Showing 18 products

Mistress of Pontida

"Mistress of Pontida" is a unique in Ukrainian literature adventure journey through the labyrinths of royal courts, lodges of secret societies, magical masquerades, traps of suspicious cheap inns and prison cells in pre-revolutionary Europe of the 1770s. The hero of...

180 kr
Ukraine-Rus: a research novel: in 3 books. Book 2. Halytskyi-Ostrozki princes

The book contains rich factual material, on the basis of which the old myths and lies of Soviet, Russian, Polish, and some Ukrainian historians are refuted. We are talking about the Great Galicia-Volyn and Lithuanian-Russian principalities, their real rulers and...

149 kr
Ukraine-Rus: a historical study: in 3 books. Book 3.: Ukrainian victory

In the proposed book (the last of the trilogy), the author focuses the readers' attention on our glorious victories, of which there were many in Ukrainian history.On the pages of the publication, the timeless figures of legendary champions can be...

149 kr
Hatice Turhan. The blazing winds are not terrible. Book 1

The mother of one of the descendants of the famous Roksolana was another Ukrainian woman from Podillia - Nadiya, who in the harem of Sultan Ibrahim Bozevilny was named Khatija Turkhan. She lived in the tumultuous years of the middle...

130 kr
There is land behind Perekop. Crimean novel

"Alia, Alyona and I. From our names, written in a row or a column, you can study the history of Crimea." Crimea. It was here that the main character of the novel spent her childhood, youth and first love. It...

227 kr
You are

Texas in 1849. A band of Comanches break into the house where thirteen-year-old Eli McCullough lives, who kill his relatives, burn his property, and take him prisoner. During three years of living among the Indians, the boy falls in love...

134 kr
Hatice Turhan. Sultan-Ukrainian on the Ottoman throne. Book 2

The mother of one of the descendants of the famous Roxolana was a Ukrainian woman from Podillya - Nadiya, who was named Hatice Turhan in the harem of Sultan Ibrahim the Mad. She lived in the turbulent years of the...

130 kr
Disappearance of the apothecary

A secret society of women. A forgotten story. The poisonous breath of revenge is still in the air. An unremarkable apothecary shop, hidden in the depths of eighteenth-century London, serves an unusual clientele and also under non-classical conditions:  Rule #1:...

202 kr
Hans Brinker, or Silver Skates

"Silver Skates" is a novel by the American writer Mary Mapes Dodge, first published in 1865. The book has been translated into many languages and has been widely distributed throughout the world. We are presented with an interesting story of...

118 kr61 kr

A former graduate student, who worked on a dissertation on the life and work of the outstanding poet Vasyl Stus, and now, by the will of circumstances, became a nurse, was offered to take care of a woman who was...

128 kr
The Black Council: Chronicle of 1663

"Black Council" is the first Ukrainian-language historical novel, written and published by Panteleimon Kulish in 1857. In this "chronicle of historical events", the author depicted the so-called Ruina - the day after the death of B. Khmelnytskyi, when Ukraine was...

122 kr
HHH. Himmler's head is called Heydrich

Two men must kill a third. This is Operation Anthropoid: two Czechoslovak saboteurs sent from London are tasked with killing Reinhard Heydrich, head of the Gestapo, head of the Nazi secret services, "the most dangerous man in the Third Reich",...

91 kr77 kr
Khatija Turkhan. The Ukrainian Sultana is the patroness of the Cossacks. Book 3

One of the descendants of the famous Roksolana became the mother of a Ukrainian woman from Podillia - Nadiya, who was named Hatidje Turkhan in the harem of Sultan Brahim Bozevilny. She lived in the stormy years of the middle...

128 kr
Monthly Dilogy

The dilogy, consisting of the novels "Constellation of Virgo" and "Moonlight", is a real weave of women's destinies, connected by an ancient amulet, a fatal curse and a family history, which is abundantly sprinkled with creepy secrets, cunning intrigues, innocent...

190 kr
With fire and Sword. Novel. In 2 vol. Vol. 2

The novel "Fire and Sword" is the first part of the glorious trilogy of the Nobel laureate Henryk Sienkiewicz, written on the historical material of the 17th century. The work depicts the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people led...

199 kr149 kr
With fire and Sword. Novel. In 2 volumes, Volume 1

The novel "Fire and Sword" is the first part of the glorious trilogy of the Nobel laureate Henryk Sienkiewicz, written on the historical material of the 17th century. The work depicts the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people led...

199 kr149 kr
Farewell, weapons

A Farewell to Arms is one of the greatest American novels about the First World War. An exciting, partially biographical story by Ernest Hemingway highlights the brutal realities of war. In it, Hemingway's famous telegraphic style is interspersed with stream-of-consciousness...

223 kr
Black lion

No one could capture him - except her...Ranulf, Count of Malvoisin, is called the Black Lion for his courage and audacity. He has no equals either on the battlefield or in the knightly arena. The count has everything: wealth, fame,...

159 kr

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